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Maple & Cinnamon French Toast + Tofu Scramble Sandwiches

French Toast & Tofu Scramble Sandwich | www.thatwasvegan.com

Get ready you guys, we have a lot to cover today! 

So Delicious was kind enough to send me a couple big boxes of their amazing new cashew lineup to try, ice cream and milk!


The ice cream was beyond perfect. It was so creamy and rich- I would say the creamiest ice cream I’ve ever had, and that includes the actual dairy kind! My favorite flavor was definitely the Salted Caramel Cluster, followed closely by Snickerdoodle. Cappuccino was the surprise show at 3rd. 

They also sent a box of their new milks, and I used the Unsweetened Vanilla Cashew in today’s recipe for french toast!

French Toast & Tofu Scramble Sandwich | www.thatwasvegan.com

But wait, let’s back up for a second. I shared this Maple Sweet Tofu Scramble with sweet potatoes and kale last week, and it is the perfect filling for this sandwich. Sweet and delicious!

Maple Sweet Tofu Scramble | www.thatwasvegan.com

The idea for these sandwiches came from a recent trip to Noodles & Co (or, as I like to call it, Noodle Town). The one near my office is testing breakfast items and they gave me some free coupons. None of the items were vegan, but one of them caught my eye anyway- a french toast and scrambled egg sandwich. I knew I had to veganize it. And I also knew the So Delicious Cashew milk would be creamy and yummy enough to be perfect for that recipe!

The scramble itself has lots of maple goodness, but I also recommend adding more to the sandwich, or even providing a little bowl of syrup to dip it in! Mmmm. Now I’m hungry again!

French Toast & Tofu Scramble Sandwich | www.thatwasvegan.com


Maple & Cinnamon French Toast Sandwich
Serves 3
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  1. 1 batch Maple Sweet Tofu Scramble
  2. 2 large, ripe bananas
  3. 3/4 cup So Delicious Unsweetened Vanilla Cashew milk
  4. 1.5 teaspoons cinnamon
  5. 1 teaspoon vanilla
  6. 6 slices of bread
  7. Vegan butter for frying
  8. Maple syrup for drizzling or dipping
  1. Put the bananas, milk, cinnamon and vanilla in the blender and pulse just until smooth. Pour into a shallow dish.
  2. Melt the butter over medium heat in a large frying pan. Dip the bread (both sides) in the cashew milk mixture, then fry until golden brown on both sides.
  3. Build the sandwiches, and either drizzle with maple syrup OR heat the syrup and let people dip their sammies!
  1. This will serve 3 with lots of scramble, a very hearty breakfast!
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/
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  • Epicurean Vegan May 8, 2015, 11:20 am

    Now that’s a breakfast sandwich! That looks delicious–and great for a Mother’s Day brunch. I had no idea So Delicious made the ice cream flavors–I’ve got my eye on the Salted Caramel one!

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