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Mini Vegan French Bread Pepperoni Pizzas

Mini Vegan French Bread Pepperoni PizzasPizza and dogs. Dogs and pizza. Does it get any better?

These are the four sweet faces that currently greet me every time I walk through the door:

all the dogs

I’m sure you recognize Sally and Teddy, the other two belong to my ex husband, Zuma and Maggie. Maggie was actually a foster of mine back in the spring, when her name was Kay! Zuma had come to visit and they got along so well, he just had to adopt her.

Don’t you just love when things work out perfectly?

In other dog news, it’s been a year since Cooper went to the rainbow bridge. Part of my marking this passage of time was to paint a picture of him.

Cooper paintingAnd here’s the picture it was painted from:

Cooper pic

Totally looks like him, right? My friends Denise and Leslie and I took an afternoon class at a local Pinot’s Palette, one of those wine and paint shops, and had a great time. I’m going to go back and paint Sally and Teddy and Betty too, and hang them all along my stairway. It’ll make me so happy each time I look at them!

And now, pizza. When I was little my brother and I spent most weekends at grandma’s house where she spoiled us silly and bought us all the processed, pricey foods our mom didn’t. One of my very favorite things to pick from the grocery store freezer were those Stouffer’s French bread pepperoni pizzas. You know the ones?

I’ve been wanting to veganize them forever, but never got around to it. Until now.

Mini Vegan French Bread Pepperoni PizzasThey’re so easy. I used the Yves vegan pepperoni, Daiya mozzarella shreds, and these little dinner rolls sliced in half lengthways. I also added some stewed tomatoes because I already had a can open. They were delicious and really hit the spot!

Mini Vegan French Bread Pepperoni Pizzas


Mini Vegan French Bread Pizzas
Just as good as the frozen ones of your youth!
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  1. Pre-cooked dinner rolls
  2. Your favorite pizza sauce
  3. Yummy toppings like tomato bruschetta, veggie pepperoni, bell peppers, etc.
  4. Daiya mozzarella shreds
  5. Salt & pepper
  1. Heat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Slice the rolls in half lengthwise and poke the cut sides with a fork- it helps the sauce get down in there! Top each one with ~2 tablespoons pizza sauce. Add any additional toppings then finish with the cheese. Bake for 6-8 minutes or until everything is warm and the cheese is melty. Give them 15-30 second under the broiler if you want them a little more melted. Sprinkle with just a little salt and pepper.
  3. Serve hot!
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/
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  • Hannah October 4, 2016, 6:10 pm

    Oh boy, do these bring back memories… My parents would never buy them for me, so I only got to indulge when I went over to friends’ houses. Talk about a guilty pleasure- But not so guilty anymore with you formula! I should definitely revisit this idea now that it’s all grown up.

    • Barb October 5, 2016, 9:05 am

      There are so many foods from my youth that I would love to veganize!

  • Valerie October 9, 2016, 5:45 pm

    I love your painting. You are very talented.

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