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2019 Goals

I am not going to make this into a Big Thing. I’ve done that before. I’ve come up with Big Lists of Big Things and all they do is stress me out. So, I guess you could say one of my goals in 2018 was to figure this out about myself, and #Accomplished!

I’m really pleased with my life right now. I feel like a lot of things have come together for me, my anxiety levels are lower, and I’m just… happy!

Because of this, don’t want to make a big deal about things that I should/could/would change. Instead, I’ve come up with three areas I want to focus on this year. Areas where I want to grow, improve and generally increase my awesomeness. No metrics, no rewards or punishments… just a few things that I want to dedicate more energy to in 2019.

I’ll certainly check in with myself (and share it here) to make sure there are improvements though! Not sure what that’s going to look like, just that I am definitely going to stay accountable and on track. So, without further ado, here they are in no particular order:

  • GET ORGANIZED – I would be truly embarrassed if any of you knew how many boxes remain unpacked at home. And I moved in back in 2015. I aspire to be that person whose home is a shrine to their love of organization. You know the saying, “A place for everything, and everything in its place“? Yah. I want that. 
  • GET HEALTHIER – I have zero desire or plans to give up vegan junk food. Processed foods, salt, oil… those babies are here to stay. That said, I would like to include more meals that are completely whole-foods based. I also want to exercise more frequently. And, ahem, I’ve gained ~10lbs in the last few months and those need to go. (Since I’m being so honest here)
  • FOCUS ON THE BLOG – I’ve been on the blogger struggle bus the last year or two, and I want that to change. I want to create more exciting, quality content to share with the world. I also want to use TWV? as it was meant to be- that is, as a creative outlet for myself. I allowed it start to feel like work, and that’s why I stepped back. I need to remind myself that it’s FUN!

I feel really good about putting my time and energy into these three areas, and I also just feel good about 2019! Not that the past year was bad for me personally- it wasn’t. It was a great year! I got my first cookbook deal for crying out loud! I just… want to do more. I want to be present and focused and persistent and positive.

Okay, that’s it! No idea how often I’ll post updates, but I know that I will. Now it’s your turn: Do you have any goals for 2019? 

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  • Melodie January 3, 2019, 9:00 am

    I like not having metrics or punishments. Those give me anxiety too. This year I want to start fostering dogs and cats and cook more at home.

    • Barb January 3, 2019, 9:02 am

      Those are great goals, thank you for sharing!

  • Hannah January 3, 2019, 9:53 am

    I hear you on the blogging goal 100%… I always want to invest more effort, more energy into it, but find some way to rekindle the fun, too. It’s a tough balance to strike. I believe you can do it, though, and I can’t wait to see the results. 🙂

  • Jennifer January 4, 2019, 7:50 am

    I have a lot of similar goals. I want to loose my last few baby weight pounds, but I also just miss how I felt when eating healthier foods. I have nothing against junk food, but usually it is cheaper to cook whole foods anyways, which works for tight budgets.

    Blogging more is on my to-do list. I want to include more recipes and content about veganism and kids. Like a whole vegan books for kids series!

    I find getting organized is best is chunks. Like empty your boxes and put all the stuff where you want them to be (IE kitchen, office, etc) then try and jenga/tetris fit them into places. I say do it a room at a time, so you don’t bog yourself down with buying boxes, storage containers, shelves, etc.

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