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Breakfast Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Vegan Breakfast Stuffed Sweet Potatoes These Vegan Tofu Scramble Stuffed Sweet Potatoes make my stomach smile.  They combine my favorite breakfast food with something I love like crazy. I’m such a sweet potato fan! Anything with that much fiber, that many nutrients… and it tastes good? How can you go wrong? Wanna know a secret? I’ve never actually had these for breakfast! Just for lunch and dinner. When you’re making breakfast for dinner, these are a great option because they’re seriously filling and seriously healthy. Vegan Breakfast Stuffed Sweet Potatoes And you can totes play around with the toppings: Avocado? Absolutely. Salsa and sour cream? Fantastic idea! A big ol’ drizzle of maple syrup? Sign me up! The ones pictured here actually do have avocado on them, although it’s hard to tell.

After the miserable 7+ days I just had, I need good food like this. I woke up 2 Fridays ago with the flu, which grew to include bronchitis, laryngitis, a bacterial infection in my lungs, and two pulled muscles in my abdomen. I missed an entire week of work and life. I truly don’t know where the time went. I started feeling human again on Saturday, and have never been happier to do mundane tasks like laundry, or even coming to work this morning! Funny how illness changes your perspective, eh? Vegan Breakfast Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Now that I’m feeling a bit better I’m making the most of it. Yesterday I spent over an hour walking the dogs in the sunshine, then had a delicious Thai lunch with Jamie and Ems. There might have been a vegan blueberry cupcake from Whole Foods for dessert. Then it was back home to just sit in the sun with a book. Loving this warmer weather, and as far as I’m concerned, winter is over. So keep this nice weather coming, please!

Breakfast Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Yields 8
A whole new take on breakfast!
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  1. 1 batch Spicy Tofu Scramble (maybe add some extra peppers in there!)
  2. 4 medium/large sweet potatoes
  3. 1 tomato, diced
  4. 1 avocado, diced
  5. Vegan cheese shreds for topping
  6. Salsa, vegan sour cream, maple syrup, etc for topping...
  1. Scrub the sweet potatoes and poke repeatedly with a fork or knife. Microwave until fully cooked, ~4 minutes per side. When they're finished, slice in half lengthwise, and scrape out the centers being sure to leave plenty of tater flesh along the skins so they don't tear.
  2. Fill each with the scramble and whatever else you're adding (tomatoes, avocado, etc). Top with the cheese and put under the broiler until melted. Top with sour cream, maple syrup or whatever other fabulous topping you're using, and serve.
  1. Not sure what to do with the sweet potato filling you scraped out? You could add it back into your scramble, or if you have happy little veggie-lovin' pups like I do, add it to their food!
Adapted from Damn Delicious
Adapted from Damn Delicious
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/
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  • Connie Fletcher March 18, 2014, 8:49 am

    Those look fabulous, Miss Barb….glad to hear you’re feeling better!!! The flu sucks!!! And these stuffed sweets sound heavenly so if this is the kind of thing you come up with after the flu…….just sayin’

  • Becky March 18, 2014, 10:19 am

    ooooo I love these!! Glad you feel better and thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe. I am a big sweet potato fan and I always have such random vegetable filled breakfasts so I wouldn’t say no to sweet potato hehe 🙂

  • Gabby @ the veggie nook March 18, 2014, 12:53 pm

    Oh gosh lady I love this idea! It’s almost like a breakfast burrito but stuffed in a sweet potato, so BETTER!

  • Heather March 29, 2014, 5:21 pm

    Your day sounds so picture perfect…happy to hear you are feeling better, hopefully you had someone to make you a big batch of chicken less noodle soup!

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