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Butternut Red Sauce

Butternut Red Sauce

Roasting butternut squash is such a wintry thing to do, but for some reason I really hadn’t done it at all this season. Now, as we move closer and closer to spring, it has started to appeal to me more. No idea why, because I really do love a good b-nut, especially in mac n’ cheese. And in lasagna. And in tofu-rice bowls. And on pizza

Currently though, my favorite way to enjoy a freshly roasted butternut squash is mixed in with a jar of red sauce to create a Semi-Homemade Butternut Red Sauce

Butternut Red Sauce

This is a delicious-yet-easy way to elevate a jar of sauce and incidentally to stretch it out a bit! You know how one jar of sauce is never enough for one box of pasta? Well, add in some butternut and it is. Magic! 

A little fresh basil, some of your favorite spices… suddenly that jar of sauce from your pantry is starting to taste a lot more homemade. Don’t worry, I wont tell anyone!

Butternut Red Sauce

The “recipe” is really just intuitive cooking. I shared mine below as a starting point, but add what you like!

Butternut Red Sauce
A delicious semi-homemade take on jarred red sauce.
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  1. 1 medium butternut squash
  2. Olive oil (I used 'butter flavor' but any will do)
  3. Salt + pepper
  4. 1 jar of your favorite red sauce (My personal fave is Newman's Own Tomato & Basil)
  5. Fresh basil
  6. Oregano, garlic, crushed red pepper to taste
  7. All of your other favorite seasonings!
  8. 1 box pasta, cooked per package instructions
  1. Slice the butternut in half lengthwise, lay cut sides up on baking sheet. Puncture each half 4-5 times with fork tines. Drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until the squash is tender.
  2. Begin heating the sauce over low heat.
  3. Remove the seeds and discard. Scrape the remaining squash out, avoiding the skin. Add to the sauce along with your favorite seasonings, and serve over hot pasta.
  1. This makes enough for an entire 8-9 serving size box of pasta.
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  • Starr March 9, 2018, 12:17 pm

    This sounds like a great way to hearty up a bottled sauce! Plus butternut is my favourite squash. Thanks for sharing this recipe, I’ll definitely be giving it a try.

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